Slightly more than nothing

So I felt like I’d achieved something this is what I actually did apart from taking pictures!

  • As below, found the battery and removed it for scrap
  • Squirted lots of things with plus gas, including the spark plugs and carb linkages and cables
  • Unbelievably found its got its original keys in the ignition, with a fob that predates the the current registration. (I have DVLA letter that it changed registration at some point in the 70’s. I guess when personal plates became desirable)
  • Squirted all the pull controls in the cab, choke, throttle etc
  • Identified the whole car as 12V electrics
  • Got the plugs out
    • As per the picture these had been bodged in, they should be VERY short reach. These had had extra sealing washers added! Hopefully the pistons haven’t hit the plugs previously!
  • Cleaned up the holes and put  an egg cup of diesel down each one. Hopefully this will soak an unsieze and seized ness, fingers crossed
  • Was not able to turn the engine on the fan and can’t reach the crank pulley
  • But I can see the crank handle slot, so will see about knocking up a suitable tool to turn it from her next time.
    • I don’t want to risk trying the starter motor at this point it could wreck it and the wiring if he engine is seized solid
  • Noticed that theres no door lock on the drivers door! But there is on the passenger side. How’s that for giving away its roots?

That about it, times up so put back to bed until next time, when hopefully the diesels done something and I’ve got something mackled up to try and turn the engine with.